How Amazon Is Affecting The 3PL Industry

From its beginnings as an online bookseller in the 1990’s to the place where anyone can buy nearly anything, Amazon is now the leading e-retailer in the US. The company is frequently called a “disruptor,” and is now leading the way for improvements in logistics, and...

Liability For Damage To Products In 3PL Warehouses?

It’s something nobody likes to think about: liability, or the prospect of something going wrong. One of the scenarios that will scare nearly anyone is when your product has arrived and added to your 3PL’s warehouse for storage. Then you (or an agent) discover that you...

Statistics for 3rd Party Logistics Companies

The impact of ecommerce and ever-faster shipping has led to a steady increase of 3rd party logistics companies in CT, CA and nationwide over the last five years due to a steady increase in demand. So far in 2019, total 3PL revenue is at $194B, with a 3% annual growth,...
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